CLAS-G 305: Greek Tragedy

CLAS-G 305 — Fall 2022

Alyson Melzer
AC C 107
Days and Times
Monday/Wednesday: 3pm-4:15pm
Course Description

In this Advanced Greek language course, we plunge together into the beautiful and brutal world of 5th-century Athenian tragedy through the plays of Euripides. Vindictive gods, resolute women, and juvenile heroes take the stage in our two primary Greek texts, Alcestis and Bacchae, and in Euripides’ other plays read in translation. Class time is divided between translation of Greek passages and discussion of Euripides’ cultural context, his reception among his peers and successors, and the conventions of Greek theater.

Interested in this course?

The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details