Professional Resources
Professional Organizations
Society for Classical Studies
The national organization for Classicists. Its website lists Calls for Papers (CFP) at conferences.
Archaeological Institute of America
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) is North America’s oldest and largest organization devoted to the world of archaeology. It publishes a bulletin of fieldwork opportunities.
Classical Association of the Middle West and South (Our regional association)
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc., is a professional organization for classicists and non-classicists at all levels of instruction which promotes the Classics through the broad scope of its annual meeting, through the publication of both original research and pedagogical contributions in The Classical Journal, and through its awards, scholarships, and outreach initiatives.
Specialized Groups and Conferences
Association of Ancient Historians
Posts Calls for Papers (CFPs) and other opportunities and also has a monthly mailing list for members.
Women’s Classical Caucus
Has put together a library of videos and handouts with various professional development tips (conferences, job market, teaching, publishing, etc). They also have a mentoring program that students can use for external mentorship.
Antiquity in Media Studies
Has an annual online conference that some students may be interested in.
MOISA Society (on ancient music)
The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage is an interdisciplinary association that promotes the conservation, interpretation and enhancement of the musical heritage of the Greeks and Romans, and its cultural heritage from the Middle Ages to Contemporary age.
Has a list serv and yearly events.
The Sportula: Microgrants for Classics Students
Has resources for conference travel and sometimes sponsors conferences and events.
Eco Classical Caucus
Sends monthly digests and news about events.
New subscribers can sign up at the following link:
Liverpool Classicists
The listserv (sign up for the digest) sends information about opportunities, mostly in the UK.
Our own Bill Beck wrote a blog post for the SCS on funding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in Classics in 2019 that may still be of use: