
Admission to candidacy

Following the completion of Qualifying Examinations, a student is admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree when the Director of Graduate Studies has certified to the Dean of the Graduate School that the student has passed the examinations. The student should consult with the department’s graduate coordinator to prepare the appropriate forms.

Once a student has been admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree, the Graduate School requires enrollment each semester (excluding Summer Sessions) for thesis or research credit 10 (C880 or G901) until the degree is completed. Students who have completed 90 credit hours and all requirements for the Ph.D. are eligible to enroll in G901 for a flat rate per semester. Enrollment in G901 is limited to a total of SIX semesters.

In accordance with graduate school regulations, the student must submit and have received acceptance of his/her doctoral dissertation within SEVEN years following the completion of Ph.D. qualifying Examinations and FIVE years following formal admission to candidacy.