Language Proficiency

  • You may be certified as reading proficient in Latin by examination or by completion of L400 or the equivalent with a grade of B or better.
  • You may be certified as reading proficient in ancient Greek by examination or by completion of G650 or the equivalent with a grade of B or better.
  • You may show in-depth proficiency (a level of proficiency above and beyond reading proficiency) by passing the M.A. Translation Exam in Latin or Greek, or by earning a grade of B or higher in two advanced courses in Latin (those above L400) or Greek (G305 and above).

Graduate Reading Proficiency Examination materials

Poetry: All Students–Vergil Aeneid I and VI


  1. Students in English, Comparative Literature, modern foreign languages, fine arts, music, speech and theatre: Cicero Pro Archia Poeta, Cicero Pro Caelio sections 56-80
  2. Students in history: Cicero De Imperio Cn. Pompei (=Pro lege Manilia)
  3. Students in philosophy: Cicero De Senectute

Poetry: All Students–Homer Iliad I, Odyssey V


  1. Students in English, Comparative Literature, modern foreign languages, fine arts, music, speech and theatre: Plato Ion
  2. Students in history: Xenophon Anabasis I
  3. Students in philosophy: Plato Crito

Set books:

Jerome, Biblia Latina Vulgata: Psalms 1-50, iuxta LXX (i.e., the “Gallican” version). Biblia sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem, ed. R. Weber, Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1969 (5th ed. 2007).

Walter Map, De Nugis Curialium: Distinctio IV. Ed./Trans. M. R. James, Rev. C.N.L. Brooke and R.A.B. Mynors. Oxford Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.


Ambrosian Hymns (ed. Fontaine, 1992)

Notker, Sequences (ed. von den Steinen, Notker der Dichter und seine Geistige Welt)

Carmina Burana (ed. Hilka-Schumann; electronic text available through IUCAT: Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker im WWW)


Biblia Latina (Exodus)

Augustine on music (De Musica, PL 32.1079-1194) Johannes Tinctoris, Liber de arte contrapunti.

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