- A.B., Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges, cum laude, 1984
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1991

Cynthia J. Bannon
Professor, Classical Studies
Department Chair, Classical Studies
Adjunct Professor, History
Professor, Classical Studies
Department Chair, Classical Studies
Adjunct Professor, History
My research focuses on Roman law and Latin literature. My first book, The Brothers of Romulus (1999) used law as a heuristic device to analyze conventional representations of brothers in literature of the Republic and the early Empire. I have continued to write about Latin literature in articles, some inspired by legal matters. With my second monograph, Gardens and Neighbors: Private Water Rights in Roman Italy (2009), I turned to property law and used Common Pool Resource theory to evaluate how the Romans used water rights to manage a vital but scarce natural resource. My Casebook on Roman Water Law broadens the scope presenting analytical introduction to both public and private laws regulating lakes, rivers, and the sea. Currently I am at work on a synthetic history of water rights that grapples with the evolution of public property in Roman law.
A Casebook on Roman Water Law. University of Michigan Press, 2020.
Gardens and Neighbors. Private Water Rights in Roman Italy. University of Michigan Press, 2009.
The Brothers of Romulus: Fraternal Pietas in Roman Law, Literature, and Society. Princeton University Press, 1997.
“Legal Environments in Ulpian's Egypt” Bulletino del istituto di diritto romano 117 (n.s. 13) (2023) 1-24.
“Water Rights for Tombs in Eleven Inscriptions from Rome.” In Water History (2023). Special Issue: Waterways Management in the Roman Empire, edited by M. Ronin and P. Candy.
“Seasonal Drought on Roman Rivers: Transport vs. Irrigation” In Climate Change and Ancient Societies in Europe and the Near East, edited by P. Erdkamp, J. Manning, and K. Verboven, 347-71. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81103-7_12
“Free Like Sheep: Law, Humor, and Roman Political Culture (Cicero, De Oratore 2.284).” Law and Literature 31.3 (2019) 469-486. DOI: 10.1080/1535685X.2019.1590978 https://doi.org/10.1080/1535685X.2019.1590978
“Fresh-Water in Roman Law: Property and Policy.” JRS 107 (2017) 1-30. Cited as one of the most read articles https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-roman-studies/most-read