In high school, I was lucky enough to have an incredible Latin teacher and great extracurricular Latin experiences (certamen and the Junior Classical League), which instilled in me an interest and love for the Classics. That interest only continued and grew as I went to college at the University of Cincinnati, became an officer in their Classics Club and the Ohio Senior Classical League, worked with classmates, and tutored high school students (including my sister!). I decided that I wanted to teach Latin to high school students, but I wanted more time reading Latin literature, as well as some courses in education, so IU’s MAT program was perfect for me. In my year off between graduating from UC and starting at IU, I was able to fill in as a maternity leave sub for my own high school Latin teacher and got some experience teaching at that level—even though I did end up starting at the beginning of the pandemic! My primary interest right now is in pedagogy and in making Latin accessible and interesting to a wider variety of students, but my study-specific interests include epic poetry (particularly later authors’ allusions to earlier works) and general Roman daily life.

Margaret Kammerer
Associate Instructor