- B.A., Northwestern University, 2005
- M.A., Indiana University, 2008
- Ph.D., Indiana University, 2015

Kenneth Draper
Assistant Professor, Classical Studies
Assistant Professor, Classical Studies
My principal research interest is genre and intertextuality in Latin poetry, especially of the Augustan period. In my current book project, Non-Lyric Voices in Horace’s Odes: The Poetics of Disguise and Infiltration, I consider Horace’s positioning with respect to non-lyric genres in his first collection of Odes and examine how this generic program responds to the social climate in the wake of Rome’s civil wars. Recent side projects include two articles on the Aeneid: one on the erotics of Turnus’ pursuit of the phantom Aeneas in Book 10; the other on the language of disease in the scene of the Sibyl’s inspiration in Book 6. I am also interested in the afterlives of Augustan poetry and have done work on Ausonius’ (4th cent. CE) reuse of Virgil and Ovid and on the role that Virgil and Horace played as models for translators in 17th century England.
“The Volcanic Poetics of Statius’ Thebaid.” Phoenix 76.3-4. Forthcoming 2023.
“Ovidian Ghosts in Ausonius’ Mourning Fields: Reading Vergil through Ovid in the Cupido Cruciatus.” In Vergil’s Elegy and the Elegists’ Vergil: Gender and Genre, eds. Alison Keith and Micah Myers. University of Toronto Press. Forthcoming 2023.
“Hollow Love: Discourses of Desire and Delusion in Turnus’ Pursuit of the Phantom in Aeneid 10.” Classical Philology 117.4 (2022): 682-705.
“The Diseased Breath of Inspiration: Sickness and the Sibyl in Aeneid 6.” TAPA 151.1 (2022): 211-42.
“Putting the Wolf to Flight: Horace’s Disavowal and Deployment of Invective in C. 1.13-16 and C. 1.22.” American Journal of Philology 138.4 (2017): 641-72.